Making the Connection
You can give for the benefit of a specific project (as long as it has been approved) or for the Trustees to apply where they know there is a need.
To give to ECLISA
- UK taxpayers can download a Gift Aid Form and post it with your donation to
Callum Pike: 4 Orchard Crescent, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 4GZ.
- Anyone can make a transfer or set up a standing order directly into the ECLISA bank account: if you do this, please email admin@eclisa.org to identify your gift and advise whether there is a specific project you wish to benefit. Gifts received which are not earmarked for an approved project will be applied at the Trustees' discretion.
Account Name: ECLISA
Account No: 02946094
Sort Code: 30-00-08
Bank: Lloyds TSB, Pall Mall St James Branch Bank
IBAN: GB67 LOYD 3000 0802 9460 94
To receive from ECLISA
To apply for a grant or to suggest a suitable recipient, please contact admin@eclisa.org
For any feedback on this website or to send photos or information about an approved project, please contact webmaster@eclisa.org
Support Online
You can now support ECLISA Trust online, using our give.net donation page from Stewardship
You can give quickly and easily using a credit or debit card or, if you are so inclined, using your Stewardship giving account. Just follow the simple, online instructions. .Plus, if you are a UK tax payer, don't forget your giving could be increased through Gift Aid, meaning ECLISA Trust will get even more support!
Thanks for taking the
time to support ECLISA Trust.